Auckland's House Painting & Commercial Painting Specialist
3 Tips To Boost The Value of Your Auckland Home

When you sell your home you want the best value for money that you can get! So it definitely pays to get the house looking impeccable to add value to the house. Contact a painting company in Auckland to see what they can do for you.

Sprucing up a home and giving it a makeover can feel like a tedious and expensive task. You do not always have to renovate your home to add value to the house. Adding rooms or renovating existing rooms can be a good idea if you have the time and if you are willing to spend some big bucks. However if you do not have either then consider painting your interiors and exteriors instead of renovating the home. Here are our top 3 tips on what you can do in terms of painting to add value to your home.


Exterior Painting

First Impressions do count when it comes to the sale of a property. Real estate agents or a potential buyer can form a negative opinion about the property if the exterior of the house is either shabby or looks neglected. These opinions can become very hard to change once formed. Hence it is always good to either apply a fresh coat of paint on the exteriors or re do the trimmings to make the house more appealing. This might seem expensive at first but the money you spend now on painting will add considerable value to your home when you actually sell it. Basically we guarantee you that you will more than make the money back which you spent on painting.

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Paint the interior of your house

No one really wants to buy a house which looks like it is neglected. They want the buyers to infact sell them a vision of how their future could look like rather than memories of the previous owners. You should definitely be fixing chipped paint through out the house. If your rooms have too many differing patterns or paint then try painting it a neutral shade. This could make a world of a difference to the value of your house.

Spruce up your Kitchen and Bathroom

Kitchen and Bathrooms are the biggest factors that influence the decision making process of buyers. These are the two places which are personal to a person, used frequently and should ideally be the most hygienic. They however are also most prone to wear and tear as they are used so often. Hence a dated and drab looking kitchen or bathroom can really bring down the value of your home. Refresh these areas by ripping that old wall paper out and re painting it in subtle and fresh tones.


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De-personalise your home by re painting it in more neutral colours before putting it on the market.


Get In Touch, Free Color Consultation

Are you looking get an estimate for your painting needs? Need help choosing your paint colours or putting together a complete exterior or interior look for your property? Then request a visit from a Superior Painter Colour Consultant.

During the color consultation, you’ll receive:

  1. Professional advice on color selection and design for your home
  2. Free on-site project appraisal based on your needs
  3. Plan of action/ proposal for your project
  4. And get all your questions answered with no obligations

Get in touch today – Book Consultation – or call us directly on 0800 199 888 to speak to the team


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