Auckland's House Painting & Commercial Painting Specialist

Painting your house is a big step toward investing in your house. Painters in Auckland can help you to increase the visual appeal and thus the value of your home with repainting. The process of repainting your home isn’t easy or quick, but it can be quite rewarding. Especially if you plan to sell your house soon.

For anyone planning on painting your home, it is important that you take your time and work on a plan. Finding the right painting contractors in Auckland can help you to save money down the road and ensure that you get quality paint. But how do you pick the right painters in North Shore or the right painters in Auckland?

Picking the right painting contractors in Auckland doesn’t come down to one factor. It is a combination of all of the factors below. Use this list to help make sure you make the right choice.

Get Multiple Estimates From Painters in North Shore (or any area that you live in)

Any big home project should be planned with care. That means that you should never settle for the first bid. Always go around to multiple companies and get a collection of estimates. You want to know that you are getting a good price but more importantly a good quality job.

There are a number of painters in North Shore and even more in Auckland. Choosing the right one can mean the difference between a quality paint job for your home or one that is an eye sore.

The Inspection And Estimate By Painting Contractors Auckland

Some painting companies will give you an estimate over the phone. Never trust a company that will give you a final estimate or bid without seeing your home. Quality painting contractors in Auckland will schedule a time to come out to your house and perform a walk through. A good inspection takes more than a few minutes and the painter will take a look around the property to get a full gauge of the current state of your paint work.

During the estimate the painters in North Shore will go over what they see and what you are looking for. During this time they will take notes and measurements to get a good understanding of the work to be done.

Make sure to tell them exactly what you are looking for. Meeting your expectations should be the main goal of your on-site visit. Being clear with your expectations will also ensure that you know whether or not the company is ready to take on your job. You will also get a feel for whether or not your expectations are realistic.

After they have had a chance to see your home and talk to you they will outline their estimate. This estimate should cover the expected work, resources, and timeframe. Not only will they outline it verbally with you but they should provide you with a written estimate.

See Credentials And Training Of your Painting Contractors

Contractors should be licensed in order to provide you with painting services in Auckland. Make sure you ask the painting contractor whether or not they are trained and accredited. Also ask what kind of training the painting contractors in Auckland provide to their staff. You want a company with high quality training so the staff knows what they are doing.

A Step by Step process

The difference between quality painters in Auckland and regular painters is the amount of work that they put in. Any good painting contractor should pay attention to every step of the project. Cutting corners on your house’s paint job may save a few bucks up front but it will end up costing you in quality and lifespan of the paint.

One of the most commonly skipped steps is the prep work. Painting companies in Auckland should perform prep work for every area of the home that is going to be painted. Every home, wall, and paint type requires different paint work. At a minimum, the surface should be well cleane, plastered and all the holes should be filled  to ensure that the surface is ready to be painted. This ensures that the surfaces look smooth after painting rather than bumpy.

If you ask for the prep work and all steps to be listed in the written estimate you will have a better idea of how much work the company is going to put into your home. It also gives you another point to compare between quotes.

Tools And Products Used By Painting Contractors Auckland

When you use low quality tools and products during a paint job it shows. Any good paint company in Auckland will be ready for you to ask what kind of products and tools they use. Either write down the names they give you or ask them to be put them on an email or proposal.

Google, and hardware store websites will be your best friend for verifying whether products and tools are high-end or not. Look up the products and tools on these websites and you will be able to find out a fair amount of information on them.

Most companies will also allow you to request specific products or paints if you have something special you want. However, unless you are experienced in house painting, it is a good idea to be careful when making special requests.

Your Experience With The Painters in Auckland

During your time getting estimates and asking questions you are going to have a decent amount of interaction with painters. This interaction is going to be good experience of what it is like working with the company. A good company will have great communication skills and be ready to answer questions. Almost all of the questions you will ask are ones that they get all the time. A company that isn’t willing to answer them is not one that you want to work with.

Customer Reviews of Painting Contractors Auckland

We are lucky enough to live in the digital age where we can find out a lot of information about a company online. That includes being able to find customer reviews. Take a moment to Google each painting company in Auckland to see the reviews that previous customers have left. Try other websites too such as No Cowboys and google reviews.

Be careful when reading reviews online. There has been a fair amount of fake reviews that have appeared on the internet. Usually these reviews are easy to spot because there are many typos, too much praise, or they just read as fake.

You can also ask the painting companies for a list of references that you can talk to from previous jobs. It is also a good idea to check when the various references had the work done. If you are given old references that can be a red flag.

After everything is said and done you should make sure to leave your own review of your painting company. This will help other people make a decision when they are trying to choose.

Picking painting contractors or companies in Auckland is a big decision. You will likely be spending a fair amount of money to have the job done. Not only are you spending money but the quality of the paint job represents your home. A good paint job can easily increase the curb appeal of your home and your pride of your home.

Get In Touch, Free Color Consultation

Are you looking get an estimate for your painting needs? Need help choosing your paint colours or putting together a complete exterior or interior look for your property? Then request a visit from a Superior Painter Colour Consultant.

During the color consultation, you’ll receive:

  1. Professional advice on color selection and design for your home
  2. Free on-site project appraisal based on your needs
  3. Plan of action/ proposal for your project
  4. And get all your questions answered with no obligations

Get in touch today – Book Consultation – or call us directly on 0800 199 888 to speak to the team




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