Auckland's House Painting & Commercial Painting Specialist
How to get a quote for house painting in Auckland

Getting a House Painting quote can be a rather daunting task. But does it have to be? In fact the answer is no. Getting a quote for your home should actually be a simple and straight forward task if you employ a painting company with solid processes and systems in place.

The first and foremost rule to getting a quote should be a visit to your home by the company. This would help the company understand what you are after and give a quote to suit your needs. We have compiled a step by step process of how you can get a quote from a company without any hassles whatsoever!

STEP 1 – Research

If you are contacting a company, then it means that you have put considerable thought into painting your home and want a company that can take over the task and execute it efficiently. There are a lot of tradesmen in Auckland, however a good tradesman or painting company can be hard. We would recommend most of our clients to do some research about companies before contacting them. For example some companies only focus on certain aspects of painting like exterior painting. Hence if you want your interiors painted then contacting this company would be pointless. Do some research online to see if your needs align with that of the company.

STEP 2 – Get in touch 

Give a ring to a few companies and request an on site visit. This should be a simple step. We recommend clients to get various quotes before deciding which company they want to go for. This would help you compare quotes, the way the companies work and if they are the right companies for you. Most companies should offer a free on site visit as it would give them a chance to give you an accurate quote.

STEP 3 – On-site Visit

The on-site visit would be the perfect opportunity for you to tell the painting company your needs and explain the scope of work. At this stage the representative from the painting company should ideally be taking measurements, examine the condition of the property and understand what you need. This would help the company provide a customised and accurate quote.

Step 4 – Quote sent

Once the quote is sent to you, go through the details and ask the company any questions that you would like. More questions the better! It is good to be on the same wavelength as the painting company you are employing. Read the contract carefully before signing anything.

THERE YOU GO! You should be all booked in!

Get In Touch, Free Color Consultation

Are you looking get an estimate for your painting needs? Need help choosing your paint colours or putting together a complete exterior or interior look for your property? Then request a visit from a Superior Painter Colour Consultant.

During the color consultation, you’ll receive:

  1. Professional advice on color selection and design for your home
  2. Free on-site project appraisal based on your needs
  3. Plan of action/ proposal for your project
  4. And get all your questions answered with no obligations

Get in touch today – Book Consultation – or call us directly on 0800 199 888 to speak to the team


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