Auckland's House Painting & Commercial Painting Specialist
Tackle bigger imperfections before painting your Auckland House

As we have mentioned in our previous article, preparation is key to achieving a good result when it comes to painting. There is a lot of prep work that goes before the painting even begins. It is not just about choosing the right colour or type of paint.

The painter who comes on site has to first assess the property for imperfections. These could be anything ranging from small bumps on the wall to water stains on the ceilings. If these imperfections are not rectified then it is impossible to achieve a high quality smooth finish. We at Superior Painters have developed a checklist on the key aspects that have to be looked into before you start painting your home in Auckland.

Sanding and Plastering

Most walls over time develop bumps and the surface becomes rough over time. If you are repainting your walls then it is vital to get rid of these rough areas. If not done so, these bumps become enhanced after the paint is applied. The walls have to be sanded so these areas are smoothed out to give you a more even surface. Once the base coat and first coat is applied, the walls have to be plastered rid them of debris, previous cracked paint, and to even the surfaces out further. Only then should the last and final coat of paint be applied.

wall-before Tackle bigger imperfections before painting your Auckland House
Walls before plastering and the first coat of paint


wall-after Tackle bigger imperfections before painting your Auckland House
Walls After Plastering, Gib Stopping and First Coat of Paint

Gib Stopping

Gib Stopping is the process of filling holes and cracks on the walls. These holes can be caused by nails and have to be filled before any paint is applied to the surfaces. The same goes for cracks on the walls. This should be done prior to applying any paint on the walls.

Water Marks and Wall Wash

If you do have water marks on your walls then it is essential to use an oil based based coat instead of a water based base coat. If you use water based coat then it would not really hide the water mark, this can only be achieved by applying an oil based base coat even if it takes longer to dry. It is also essential not to wash your walls with water prior to painting as it makes the paint run.

Strip Treated Surfaces

If your walls are treated then it is essential that they are stripped before you start painting. You could either enlist a professional or do it yourself. Stripping walls is a very tedious task that requires quite a bit of hardwork so it is probably best to seek help from a plastering company in Auckland.

All in all, when it comes to painting the walls and ceiling at your home in Auckland, picking up the most appropriate paint colours for interior design isn’t an easy task. Still consult our colour experts Superior Painters and count on your personal feeling and imagination for the fresh new look of your newly energised home. You can even tell our specialists about the mood that you want to achieve for a particular room and they will certainly help you out for creating the best of atmosphere for your Auckland property – do not hesitate – contact us.

Get In Touch, Free Color Consultation

Are you looking get an estimate for your painting needs? Need help choosing your paint colours or putting together a complete exterior or interior look for your property? Then request a visit from a Superior Painter Colour Consultant.

During the color consultation, you’ll receive:

  1. Professional advice on color selection and design for your home
  2. Free on-site project appraisal based on your needs
  3. Plan of action/ proposal for your project
  4. And get all your questions answered with no obligations

Get in touch today – Book Consultation – or call us directly on 0800 199 888 to speak to the team


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