Auckland's House Painting & Commercial Painting Specialist
Top 4 Reasons Why Home Painting Projects Fail in Auckland

If you’re a homeowner living in Auckland, you might have discovered by now that home painting can be quite a challenge.

In fact, you’ve probably tried it out yourself and, more likely than not, something went wrong. Luckily for all of you Auckland homeowners trying to do a little home painting, we can give you some tips on what not to do so that this doesn’t happen again!

Here some common reasons for home painting to fail.

1. Issues with the Wood

The first issue that might have come about while you were trying to paint your Auckland home is issues with the wood. Commonly, these issues either revolve around wood that was wet when it was painted or too hot when it was painted.

This can be solved by giving the wood a day or so in the sunlight to properly dry. In regard to the second issue, the best thing to do is not paint the wood when the temperature is 90°F or over. This will resolve issues with the wood being too hot to be painted properly.

2. Temperature and Weather

Another crucial detail to look out for is the temperature/weather outside. The main problems that people usually run into in this category are the temperature being too cold and too much humidity.

When painting the exterior of the home, it’s best to do it when the temperature outside is at least 40-50°F (depending on the type of paint you’re using). Humidity issues can be solved by painting the house when there’s very little humidity outside. This will help guard the water evaporation involved in the paint drying process, which will prevent failures.

581705M Top 4 Reasons Why Home Painting Projects Fail in Auckland
Living Room painted by Superior Painters

3. Siding

Another problem to look out for when you’re home painting in Auckland is unfinished siding. Often, this siding will be exposed to sunlight for multiple weeks before the painting is done.

This can cause many problems, because sunlight will degrade the quality of the siding’s surface. If your siding has been exposed to sunlight for more than three or four weeks, however, there are a couple things you can do before you start painting that will help protect against failure.

The main and most effective method to try is to sand and/or power wash the siding before painting it. This will get rid of the layer of degraded wood on the top of the siding.

4. Interior Humidity           

Another problem you might be encountering while home painting in Auckland is humidity. If you’re having paint failure problems outside your home’s bathroom or kitchen, there is a strong chance that humidity within the house is the culprit.

This issue is a result of humid air attempting to leave the house via the wooden siding. One way to remedy this issue is to turn down your humidifier if you use one. Alternatively, turning on an exhaust fan in your bathroom can be a very effective way of reducing humidity. Either way, the goal is to get some of the moisture out of the air so that it doesn’t seep through the siding.

Get In Touch, Free Color Consultation

Are you looking get an estimate for your painting needs? Need help choosing your paint colours or putting together a complete exterior or interior look for your property? Then request a visit from a Superior Painter Colour Consultant.

During the color consultation, you’ll receive:

  1. Professional advice on color selection and design for your home
  2. Free on-site project appraisal based on your needs
  3. Plan of action/ proposal for your project
  4. And get all your questions answered with no obligations

Get in touch today – Book Consultation – or call us directly on 0800 199 888 to speak to the team


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